Tuesday, January 25, 2011

what the hell

are we doing?

we're making a new...something...record, EP, somewhere in between...not exactly sure yet.

lots of songs at various stages of completion. we've said that before and then not released anything for years at a time, but looks like this project will actually be finished in the next few months. after finishing so much new music last year, some of us have re-caught the recording bug.

i recently got some new toys - a suzuki omnichord, a new (used) egnater rebel 30 amp, and i've borrowed elysse's surprisingly vast collection of cheap, shitty, yet somehow awesome keyboards. so there will be some new sounds on these tunes.

we'll play some shows at some point, probably in march/april when it gets warm enough for us to actually practice in our impossible-to-heat garage.

thanks for making 2010 awesome for us. 2011 has been brutally cold so far and i haven't seen the band all together in the same room yet this year, but that should change next week - speaking of which can everyone practice next thursday, feb. 3rd?

ok, good.

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